| | | Shabbat Schedule | FRIDAY NIGHT Candlelighting: 6:30 p.m. Mincha: 6:35 p.m. SATURDAY MORNING Hashkama Minyan 8:00 a.m. Coffee & Commentary with Rabbi David Walk 8:45 a.m. in the Simcha Room Main Sanctuary 9:00 a.m. Usher: Jake Meyer Torah Readers: David Cohen, Ethan Green Sermon: Avi Narrow Tilonsky-"Rediscovering Ourselves Amidst the Clutter" Latest time to recite Shema: 9:45 a.m. Latest time for Amidah: 10:45 a.m. Mini Minyan (K-1st grade) in the Youth Room 10:30 a.m. Jr. Congregation (2nd-6th grade) in the Chapel 10:30 a.m. Baby Sitting (age 0-1) in the Cantor's office 10:30 a.m. Chapel Kiddush: | is sponsored by Joanne & Glenn Karow in memory of their parents and siblings who have left too early: Glenn's parents, Sybel and Martin Karow, and brothers, Jeff and Jan Karow; Joanne's father, Morris Steichel, & sister, Susan "Andrea" Steichel Moody, & brother, James "Jamie" Steichel; and by Rachel & Danielle Wolfe in honor of Grandpa Marvin Wolfe's visit from Israel. Sanctuary Kiddush:is sponsored by the shul. Rabbi Cohen's Tshuva Shiur: "The Wonder Years: Living Inspired & the Post Yom Kippur Paradigm" 5:15 p.m. Mincha 6:15 p.m. Seudat Shlishit: Rabbi David Walk: Ultimate Reward Maimonides Chapter 8. Daf Yomi is during Seudat Shlishit Maariv 7:25 p.m. Shabbat ends 7:30 p.m.
| Weekday Schedule | | Daf Yomi Sunday 7:30 a.m. Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. Shacharit Selichot on Sunday 8:15 a.m. Sunday 8:30 a.m. Tuesday-Friday 6:30/7:30 a.m. Mincha Sunday 3:00 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday 6:25 p.m. Friday 6:24 p.m. Candlelighting next Friday 6:19 p.m. | Shabbat Announcements | | MAZAL TOV TO:
... Rabbi David and Shara Israel on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Yoni. CONDOLENCES TO: Irene Diamond on the death of her father, Anton Doneff of blessed memory. SHABBAT SHOLOM HOSPITAL PACKAGES ARE SPONSORED BY: the Linda Beson Nursing Education Fund. SHABBAT BULLETIN IS SPONSORED BY: Irv Neitlich's children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. AROUND THE SHABBAT TABLE: The Shabbat meal is a wonderful opportunity to strengthen our families, community and connection to G-d. The Around the Shabbat Table Campaign encourages each family to include three elements at their meal: 1) Share the Torah Insight 2) Sing a Jewish Song 3) Refrain from Gossip-Celelebrate Positive Speech
Suggested Torah topic for your Shabbat table: The Talmud relates that G-d wanted to make King Hezekiah the messiah but refrained because he did not "sing" after the miracles that G-d had done for him. What is so important about singing? What personality qualities impel or hinder someone from singing? Have you ever experienced a spiritual dimension to singing? YOM KIPPUR SERVICE SCHEDULE Sunday, September 27 Mincha 3:00 p.m. Candle Lighting 6:27 p.m. Kol Nidre 6:35 p.m. Fast Begins6:45 p.m. Monday, September 28 Shacharit in the Sanctuary and Heyman Chapel 9:00 a.m. Youth Programs 10:30 a.m. Yizkor 12:15 p.m. Break 3:15 p.m. Mincha in the Main Sanctuary 4:15 p.m. Blessing of Children 7:15 p.m. Fast Ends 7:27 p.m. Thank you to our Yom Kippur Torah Readers: Ethan Green, and Dr. Jay Jubas PERSONAL CONDUCT We can best create a reverent mood at our services by respecting the rights of others. Please limit your conversations with friends during services and cooperate with our volunteer ushers and greeters. SAFETY Fire regulations prohibit bringing baby carriages and strollers into the building. Please place such items in the tent in front of the Colonial Road entrance. Men's Mikvah Hours on Erev Yom Kippur: Sunday 7:30-9:30 a.m. and 1:00-4:00 p.m. Immersion in a mikvah prior to Yom Kippur affords a powerful opportunity for spiritual renewal. Please note the early mikvah closing time on Sunday. Please bring your own towel. Entrance is through the CAS office and Rabbi Cohen's office. $10 suggested contribution. HIGH HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVE Person to Person needs our help again this year. Paper bags are in the lobby. If you donate Kosher foods be sure to use the bags marked with kosher supervision. LULAV DEADLINE EXTENDED! You have until Sunday at 10:00 a.m. to order your lulavs.
RABBI COHEN'S FRIDAY MORNING CLASSES BEGIN THIS WEEK8:15-8:45 A.M. These 30 minute sessions unlock a fresh perspective & fascinating idea from the Torah. Deepen your understanding of the Torah as a guide for life through the prism of classic commentators. Get a spiritual boost for Shabbos. DRISHA COMES TO STAMFORD
Wendy Amsellem will be teaching an exciting course in Tanach in a five part Wednesday evening series, entitled: THINGS FALL APARTSeries begins Oct 28th at 8:00 p.m. Suggested donation for series is $50 Check out Prime Minister Netanyahu's speech at the UN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44HkjBDQz_k Bimah flowers in the Main Sanctuary are sponsored by Corrine Lotstein in memory of Louis Lotstein, Myrtle Lotstein, Irving Lotstein and Saul Lotstein. The flowers in the Chapel are sponsored by Hillary and Bob Zitter in memory of her parents, Matilda and Joseph Esbit. Youth Programs on Yom Kippur We at Agudath Sholom want our parents and children to enjoy a meaningful holiday season. Arrangements have been made for babysitting and youth groups for our children. We will provide snacks and lunch each day. All sessions will be conducted by responsible young men and women. Babysitting will take place in the youth room, next to the Lotstein Library. Age 3 through 1st grade will take place in the Lotstein Library. Jr. Congregation will take place in the sukkah. The groups are as follows: Babysitting (up to age 3) 3-Grade 1 Grades 2 - 6, Junior Congregation The schedule is the same for all groups: Yom Kippur - Monday, September 28, 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Please note for babysitting: Children must be dropped off and picked up by a parent or older sibling. No child will be permitted to leave the room or area unescorted. Eating on Yom Kippur? Just as there is a mitzvah for healthy people to fast, there is a mitzvah for some sick people to eat. If, according to Jewish law, and with the approval of your doctor and rabbi, you are obligated to eat, you can take advantage of the privacy of our Bride's Room, located on the upper level near the elevator. Juice and crackers are provided. Consult the Rabbi for more information. Yasher Koach to the CAS Men's Choir Bob Abrams ● Bob Amster ● Ira Berk Gerald Brodsky ● Harvey Caney ● Arnold Cohen Joseph Gold ● Daniel Kraus ● Ziv Kraus Larry Miller ● Joe Mittel ● Bernie Shapiro SIMCHAT TORAH SPONSORS 2009 GOLD SPONSORS Margie & Bob Abrams The Bahar, Katz and Sparks Family Rachel & Ephraim Cohen Rabbi Daniel & Diane Cohen Marilyn & Larry Gochberg Jill & Arthur Green Flora & Carl Kaufman Yospa Lieberman Ronnie & Steve Sichel Liba & Steve Steinmetz Gail & Gary Weitz Hillary & Bob Zitter
SILVER SPONSORS Jodi & Richard Boxer Phyllis & Gerald Brodsky Judy & Dr. Jeff Cahn Sharon & Michael Feldstein Tamara & Seymour Feurstein Miriam & Joe Gelb Naomi Hersh Maruja & Allon Ivri Dorothy & Leon Jaiven Judith & David Jelen Dinah & Seth Marlowe Kori & Bill Meyers Neil & Deborah Metviner Marguerite & Ken Neuhaus The Rimerman Family Yonat & Rabbi Yehuda Tucker Camille & Stanley Warmflash Join us in sponsoring our annual SIMCHAT TORAH LUNCHEON Wednesday, October 22, 2008 To add your name as a sponsor, please call or send your check to the synagogue office (Gold Sponsor - $100, Silver Sponsor - $50)
| CAS Announcements | | ¨ SUKKAH HOP-Sunday, October 4th - For Mini Minyan-Jr. Teen (K-8th grade). Sukkot is here and it's time to HOP! That's right! We'll put on our hopping shoes and join with all CAS Youth in our annual Sukkah Hop. If you like Sukkot, snacks and hopping, then this is the event for you! ...NCSY HERSHEY PARK TRIP-Monday, October 5th bus leaves promptly at 8:00 a.m. Cost is $85. Their check is their reservation. ¨ SUKKOT FALL FESTIVAL-Tuesday, October 6th 5:15 p.m. Celebrate Sukkot Stamford-style as CAS invites you and your families to a wonderful evening of fun with the What's Up Band, lots of awesome food, and a chance to celebrate Sukkot with our shul! Cost is: Members $15 Adults $8 Kids Non-members $20 Adults $10 kids ¨ SUSHI IN THE SUKKAH-Wednesday, October 7th 7:00 p.m. Co-hosted by Temple Beth el & CAS. Join us for a spirited evening of food and fun for young Jewish Professionals. We welcome singles and couples (20's to 40's) to meet and connect. HOSHANA RABA MUSICAL EXPERIENCE-Friday, October 9th Join us for a spirited service with Hallel and Hoshanot accompanied by instrumental music and song. NOAH'S ARKADE-Sunday, October 25th don't miss the Young Families annual celebration of the reading of Parsha Noach with animals, crafts, rides, snacks and fun galore! $10/child ¨ GUEST SPEAKER-RAPHAELLA SEGAL- Shabbat afternoon, October 31st Ms. Segal is the Assistant Mayor for Kedumim in Israel. More information to follow. ¨ PLEASE NOTE: "Hulda," originally scheduled for this Saturday, has been postponed. "Hulda" will visit us after Sukkot.
| Community Announcements | | HIGH HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVE-Emergency Food Support Person to Person is a volunteer-driven, community based agency that responds to those who lack basic necessities & resources to improve their lives. They need your help. Last year they supplied food for over 11,600 and this year the need is even larger. Paper bags are supplied in the lobby. You can donate Kosher or non Kosher products. Bags for Kosher should be marked with kosher supervision. The bags will be picked up on Tuesday morning, September 29th. HELP ISRAELI SOLDIERS-Rabbi Walk's son, Yehuda is serving in the Golani Brigade in the IDF. His unit has asked for funds for camel packs. Please make checks payable to CAS and memo "IDF." Sweet on You is now open for dinner. NEW, Wednesday dinner delivery to Stamford and Greenwich 5:00-6:30 plus, special pizza delivery promotion - 2 18" cheese pizzas for $32! Call Sweet on You at 203-321-0066 to place your order. EXCITING LOW COST TRIP TO ISRAEL- "The Seven Faces of Israel" October 25th-Nov 3rd The Israel coordinator, General Nehemia Dagan, will be in Stamford on Monday August 31st at the home of David/Lorraine Kweskin, 7 Lumanor Dr. at 7 pm to talk about the trip in detail...'Seven Faces of Israel'. Reduced cost of $2,799 for 8 days & 7 nights...El AL. 20 are signed-up. Limited rooms. Go to: www.ujf.org or contact the Federation office 203 321-1373 x 102 Gary Geller. READING PARTNERS-Can you give one hour a week to help Stamford's children learn to read? If so, we invite you to be part of this wonderful program. Our goal is to encourage young children to love reading and become competent readers. For more information, contact Tricia Hoff (321-1373) or by email at readingpartners@ujf.org. SHALOM TV NOW AVAILABLE-the outstanding Jewish Television is now available in our community on Cablevision and it's FREE. Go to Channel 502, select "News & World" then select Shalom TV. Shalom TV "Video on Demand" programming includes: Jewish Films, Children's Programs, 92nd St Y Presentations, Panel Discussions, Leading Jewish Figures, Music & Entertainment, Cooking & Leading Jewish Figures. To receive a weekly schedule sign up at www.shalomtv.com. MENS' NETWORKING GROUP- Beginning October 1st Thursdays 12:00-1:00 p.m. Jewish Family Service is offering this group meeting for men facing a crisis of change, such as job los, health issues & family strain in conjunction with the Conservative Synagogue in Westport. Open to the entire community, meeting at 30 Hillspoint Rd, Westport. For information contact Loren Smith at 454-4492 or email lsmith@ctjfs.org CAMOS (Committee to Advance Modern Orthodoxy in Stamford) is currently looking for individuals who are willing to network with others working in their field, and are thinking of relocating to the Stamford area. You do not have to be employed in the Stamford area to help out. If you are willing to be part of this volunteer pool, please contact Michael Feldstein at 203-973-6279 or michaelgfeldstein@gmail.com ORDER LAMINATED POSTERS FOR YOUR SUKKAH-order by September 30th and get 2 day shipment. Beautiful, color, large sized posters designed by many different organizations. Call 877-308-4175 or go on the web to haggadahsrus.com | CAS Adult Education Classes | | Bible From the Beginning Sundays 9:15 a.m. Rabbi David Walk In this ongoing survey of the Torah, we discuss issues in the Bible, verse by verse. Daily Daf Yomi Daily Various Teachers Rabbi Cohen's Friday Morning Classes begin Fridays 8:15 a.m. Deepen your understanding of the Torah as a guide for life through the prism of classic commentators. | GIFT SHOP | VISIT THE SISTERHOOD GIFT SHOP FOR ALL YOUR HOLIDAY NEEDS. TUESDAY- 2:00-4:00 P.M. SUNDAY-10:00-12:00 P.M.
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