Congregation Agudath Sholom | 301 Strawberry Hill Ave | Stamford, CT 06902 (203)-358-2200

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Friday, August 9, 2024

Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin

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Congregation Agudath Sholom
Shabbat Bulletin
DevarimShabbat ChazonAugust 10, 20246 Av 5784
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Mincha7:00 PM
Candle Lighting7:42 PM
Shacharit7:00/8:00/9:00 AM
Latest Shema8:42 AM
Sephardic Minyan8:45 AM
Coffee & Commentary8:45 AM
Shmuel Class9:00 AM
Bob's Basics10:00 AM
Latest Shacharit10:08 AM
Shiur10:30 AM
Code Of Jewish Law6:45 PM
Mincha7:35 PM
Havdalah8:41 PM
Shabbat Shalom

The book of Devarim opens with Moshe beginning his thirty day address to the Jewish people. He recounts the tragic episode of the spies. It is a story we learned in real time in the Parsha of Shelach.

Yet, there are differences in the retelling. One major distinction is that originally the blame is placed on the 10 spies who spoke negatively about the land of Israel. Now, 38 years later, Moshe focuses on the responsibility of the nation as a whole. Why?

Understanding the incident of the spies is especially relevant this week. The spiritual roots of Tisha B'Av emerge from the failure of not only the spies but the Jewish people to forge forward in faith to settle the land of Israel. The Midrash explains that the night the Jewish people cried and erupted in fear was Tisha B'Av.

The focus on the nation and our annual observance of Tisha B'Av testified to a foundational truth of Judaism. We not only mourn the past destruction of the Temple and tragedies in our history but recognize that we too are responsible for its rebuilding. As the Talmud states, a generation in which the Temple is not rebuilt is the generation in which the Temple is destroyed.

We have a mission in our generation. We must forge a bridge into the future and the messianic destiny of the Jewish people.

Years ago, my father shared with me the words of Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein upon his receipt of an honor in 1986 at the Yeshiva University Rabbinic Alumni Convention which encapsulates this idea.

Rabbi Lichtenstein said, "We should have a sense of ourselves as messengers. A person needs to invest himself with a sense of being a messenger. I see myself as a survivor. I am the only surviving grandson of a paternal grandfather who had eleven children. Today I see myself as a shaliach l'kabalah, a receiver of past messages. I accept this award on behalf of my parents, my rabbeim –Rav Hutner, Rav Shatkes, the Rav, RavAharon Soloveitchik – on behalf of my wife, my children, my friends and students, all who provide the infrastructure so that I can devote myself to Torah. "What is mine is yours."

I am also a shaliach l'holacha, a messenger going forward. This honor is a mantle and a mandate to transmit, to transfer, to hand over in an immediate sense to my children, boys and girls, to my non-biological children as well, my talmidim, to receive and to transmit, which is the essence of Torah. I want to impart what I have absorbed from my home, my teachers, to others. I want to give students a sense of how meaningful it is to learn an hour of Torah, to do an act of chesed. I live within time, but I also live within eternity. Each act has ultimate significance beyond the here and now."

We are living in tumultuous times but we believe redemption can happen in an instant and we can be the catalyst for the Messianic age when God reigns supreme. God willing we will witness the redemption, freedom for the hostages and peace speedily and in our days

Wishing you and your families a Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Daniel Cohen

Shabbat Information 
  • Learn about the Shabbat Torah Reading for Parshat Devarim with the insights of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z"l - click here.
  • The Haftarah for Shabbat Chazon is read from Isaiah 1:1-27.
  • Haftarah summary by - click here.
  • Haftarah summary by Haftarah Helper - click here
  • Tisha B'Av begins this Monday evening through Tuesday evening. Please see our full schedule here.
  • Would you like to read the Torah or Haftarah for your bar mitzvah parsha? Let us know by clicking click here

Shabbat Icebreakers (courtesy of Yaakov Moshe and Elisheva Shmidman)
  • Who is someone who's critiques you take seriously (Moshe critiques Bnei Yisrael)?
  • What medium or way would you choose to tell your story (Moshe tells the history of Bnei Yisrael in his speech)?
  • What is your favorite quote or line (Aleh HaDevarim)?

Rabbi Daniel Cohen - Halachot of The Nine Days  We are in the midst of the Nine Days. The restrictions include, most notably, no consumption of meat and wine (with the exception of on Shabbat) and no live music and haircuts. We also refrain from recreational swimming. For info from the OU, click here.

However, one may eat meat if participating in a celebration, siyum of a Tractate of the Talmud. Join me on Sunday, August 11th at 6:00 PM at 613 for a siyum. For further questions, contact me or Rabbi Kurtz
Prayers for Hostages - We Pray for the Immediate Rescue and Release  
"Acheinu kol Bais Yisrael – Our brethren, the entire Jewish People"
"Hanesunim bitzara u'bishivya – who are delivered into confinement and captivity"
"Ha'omdim bein bayam u'vein bayabasha – whether they be on the sea or dry land"
"HaMakom yiracheim aleihem viyotzi'eim mitzara li'rvacha – May the Omnipresent have mercy on them and remove them from distress to relief"
"U'mei'afela li'ora – and from darkness to light"
"U'mishibud lig'ula – and from subjugation to redemption"
"Hashta b'agala u'viz'man kariv – now, speedily, and close at hand"

Shabbat Topics & Participants
Shmuel ClassMark Wagshul
Bob's BasicsBob Abrams
ShiurSam Sroka: Examining the Past, Present, and Future Status of the Temple Mount
Code of Jewish LawRabbi Yossi Kamman
Seudat ShlishitRabbi Moshe Kurtz
  • new members:
    • Aliza & Bradley Baskir and their daughters Abigail and Mikayla
    • Elizabeth & Andre Jacobovitz and their children Noam, Oren and Benjamin
    • Batsheva & Eitan Isser
Mazal Tov
  • to Lauren & Joshua Esses on the birth of a baby boy! God willing, the bris will be on Wednesday at Agudath Sholom
  • to Isrella & Gerald Knopf on the engagement of their son, Douglas Knopf to Alyssa Ferracane, daughter of Elaina & Joe Ferracane!
  • to Shira & Mitchell Zucker on the arrival of a granddaughter, born to Hannah and Jordan Sokol!
  • to Izzy lustig on the arrival of a grandson, born to Bailey and Al Majer!
Celebrate with the family! Make a donation in their honor and we will send an acknowledgement to the family. Just click here
Thank You
  • Kaili & Daniel Scherban for sponsoring mitzvah day this Sunday in memory of Ronald Scherban/Yerachmiel Gavriel ben Yosef
Thanks To Our Sponsors
  • Senior Challah Deliveries: Greg & Amanda Smith
  • 7AM Kiddush: Drs. Judy & Jeff Cahn in commemoration of the yahrzeits of theiir fathers: Marvin Cahn ( Modechai Yitzchak ben Moshe HaCohain) and Sol Altschuler (Shlomo Zalman ben Avraham Leib)
  • Chapel Kiddush: Co-sponsored by The Fischel family honoring the memory of Flossy Fischel z"l and David & Guta Fischel z"l; The Hertzberg/Adelman Families in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Barry Hertzberg z"l; and Drs. Susan & George Klein in commemoration of the yahrzeit of George's mother, Margaret Klein/Marnyitu bas Yitzchak z"l
  • Sephardic Kiddush: Moshe Azoulay in honor of Ilan Sainz, Fleur, Elea, and Elise Hammov, visiting from France and in honor of Victor Divita, Anne Marie Pohl, and Esther Hammoo
  • Sanctuary Kiddush: Co-sponsored by Lorraine & David Kweskin in memory of Lorraine's father Robert Plotkin z"l; Kaili & Daniel Scherban in memory of Ronald Scherban/Yerachmiel Gavriel ben Yosef z"l; and Ivy & Marvin Schildkraut in thanksgiving to God
Sign Up for these Events
sign up
Mitzvah Day at Grade A
Sunday, August 11 - 10:00 AM
Learn more
Tisha BAv 5784 Schedule, Updates and Program
Monday, August 12
sign up
CAS Youth Tisha BAv Dinner & Movie
Tuesday, August 13 - 4:00 PM
Learn more
Screening of October 7 - Voices of Pain, Hope and Heroism
Tuesday, August 13 - 5:30 PM
sign up
Stamford Jewish Experience Sunset Yacht Cruise
Tuesday, August 20 - 6:30 PM
sign up
Bubble Show & BBQ welcome New Youth Director Rabbi Josh Munk
Sunday, August 25 - 4:30 PM
sign up
Shabbat Backyard Shmooze!
Shabbat, August 31 - 4:00 PM
sign up
CAS Movie Club
Sunday, September 8 - 8:00 PM
sign up
Special Preview Screening - Centered: Joe Lieberman
Tuesday, September 17 - 7:00 PM
CAS Youth News
UJF NextGen & PJ Library present Apple Picking Family Day  September 15 from 10:30 am - 12:30 pm at Silverman's Farm - 451 Sport Hill Road, Easton, CT. Meet at the JFS Truck - JFS Food Pantry truck will be on site for those who would like to donate apples in time for Rosh Hashana. Siign up at
55+ Social Club News
55+ Walking Club  We had a very pleasant walk on Sunday, August 4th through Ravonah Woods. Time goes quickly when you are talking to your friends or new acquaintances. We plan to repeat the walk on the same route on Sunday, September 15th. Please come and enjoy the walk. We are still looking for 1 to 3 volunteer leaders to manage the walk. Please contact Bruce Newman ( for any questions or to volunteer.
CAS Announcements
  • Check out the StandWithUs Seminar on Israel Advocacy and Fighting Anti Semitism  with Hailey Stern, Midwest High School Regional Manager for StandWithUs - click here
  • Check out Rabbi Cohen's latest article in the Forward  A rabbi shares what he's learned speaking with people in their final moments of life - click here
  • Vaad Hakashrut of Fairfield County - Gofer Ice Cream on High Ridge  Please note the non-dairy ice cream is not certified in the store. Please read the certificate in the store for full details.
  • New Location Under Kosher Supervision  We are excited to announce that Sobol Acai Bowls and Beyond at 900 High Ridge Road, Stamford is now under the supervision of the Vaah HaKashrut of Fairfield County. Drop by and support them! Say Hi to Leeba Zucker who works there! Rabbi Daniel Cohen, Rabbi Eli Kohl and Rabbi Moshe Kurtz
  • Save the Date - Cooking Demo with Ruhama Shitrit  September 19th at 7:30 pm - Q&A with Recipe Creator Ruhama Shitrit @Ruhamasfood. If you are interested in sponsoring, please contact Miriam Sperber ( or Rina Miller (
Weekday Schedule
  • Shacharit  Sunday: 7:15/8:30 AM; Monday,Wednesday-Friday: 6:30/7:30 AM
  • Mincha  Sunday-Monday,Wednesday-Thursday: 7:40 PM; Friday: 7:00 PM
  • Candle Lighting  Friday: 7:32 PM
  • Monday  Erev Tish'a B'Av
  • Tuesday  Tish'a B'Av
CAS Classes
Join one of our classes.

We Wish A Speedy Recovery To
  • Tzvi Zev Yosef ben Chana Shulamit
  • Sheina Feiga bat Rivka
  • Chaya Sara bat Chava
  • Hershel Wolf ben Brucha
  • Penina bat Sara
  • Rema bat Etta
  • Yetta Liba bat Freidel
  • Freidel bat Esther
  • Chaya Shoshana bat Yehudit
  • Nira bat Rachel
  • Sara bat Nira
  • Nadav Ephraim ben Shlomit Leah
  • Shlomo ben Velvel
  • Rivkah Devorah bat Channa Gittel
  • Moisha Gedalia ben DK
  • Nechemiah ben DK
  • Dorit bat Ora
  • Asher Anshel Eliezer ben Baila
  • Miriam Rut bat Chana
  • Abokhay Moshe ben Zoya
  • Chaya bat Liba
  • Harav Eliezer ben Chaya
  • Uria ben Talia
  • Miriam bat Devorah
  • אסתר רחל bat רייזל ביילה
  • פרידה הדסה bat פערל לאה
  • Chaya Rachel bat Carmi Adina
  • Penina bat Batya
  • Dov ben Pnina
  • Nehama Miriam bat Dvora
  • Moshe Gavriel ben Rachel Esther
  • Cheryl Sheva bat Gittel Leah
  • Sossie Raizel bat Sarah Fraida
  • Eliezer Meyer ben Leah
  • Calev Natanel ben Sara
  • Yitzchak Osher ben Chana Shayva Chaya

We Honor Our Military
  • Ariel Y
  • Shani Y
  • Tali Y
  • Harry B
  • Zevi M
  • Nathan H
  • Noam H
  • Yehudit
  • Sally K
  • Oren L
  • Nathan L
  • Jeremy S
  • Meni N
  • Yaniv H
  • Rachel W

Community Announcements
  • UJF and UJA-JCC Welcomes Michael Rapaport to Stamford!  United Jewish Federation of Stamford, New Canaan, and Darien and UJA-JCC Greenwich invites the entire community to enjoy a conversation featuring advocate, actor, and comedian Michael Rapaport. Promising to be equally exciting and informative, the event will take place at Rippowam Middle School on Sunday, September 15 at 7:00 pm and is co-chaired by Joui Hessel, Meredith and Oren Isacoff, Leslie and Michael Moskowitz, Samantha Himelman and Seth Niedermayer, and Molly and Adam Rafalowicz. Tickets are going fast, so make sure to register today at
  • Workshop on how to complete a halachic living will ...and why it is important  Sponsored by The Stamford Chevra Kadisha, in conjunction with Ematai. Monday, Sept. 16 at 8PM at the Young Israel of Stamford. Guest speaker: Bassie Taubes, Director of Community Outreach, Ematai. Free and open to the entire community. No RSVP required.

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