Congregation Agudath Sholom | 301 Strawberry Hill Ave | Stamford, CT 06902 (203)-358-2200

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Friday, May 24, 2024

Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin

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Congregation Agudath Sholom
Shabbat Bulletin
Behar32nd day of the OmerMay 25, 202417 of Iyyar 5784
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Mincha7:00 PM
Candle Lighting7:56 PM
Shacharit7:00/8:00/9:00 AM
Latest Shema8:18 AM
Coffee & Commentary8:45 AM
Shmuel Class9:00 AM
Latest Shacharit9:49 AM
Shiur10:30 AM
Code Of Jewish Law7:00 PM
Mincha7:50 PM
Havdalah8:57 PM
Shabbat Shalom
Late Friday night minyan and Sephardic minyan will not meet this Shabbat
Anticipating Acts of Kindness

Our Parsha contains a profound message about the nature of an ideal society. Where does Judaism stand on the merits of capitalism as a vehicle to prosperity? What is the Jewish perspective on socialism?

In the words of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, the Torah envisions a world of capitalism with a conscience. Judaism does not begrudge the pursuit of wealth. It drives much innovation and prosperity. However, to one who is given much, much is required. Wealth is only a conduit for becoming a vessel for God in the world.

Judaism establishes safety nets to care for those in need. This week's parsha of Behar mandates the Mitzvah of Shemitah, the Sabbatical year, which instills a sense of humility in property owners and opens up the economy to equalize access to the harvests regardless of one's ability to afford it. The ongoing obligation to leave a corner of the field, peah, is another example among many of a commitment to care for the poor.

However, Judaism strongly advocates not only giving tzedakah, but anticipating acts of kindness. We should not wait for a moment of crisis to assist another person, but act immediately if we see someone struggling. Do not wait.

One word in the Parsha teaches this message. God requires us to "strengthen" the impoverished. Rashi explains, "Do not wait for the person to fall, but help them when they may seem to be faltering. For instance, if we see a teetering load on an animal, stabilize the load now. If we wait for it to fall to the ground, it will take 5x as much effort to get the load back up." Do not wait for a person to lose a job, see how you can help them now to stabilize their livelihood.

A small act of kindness can change the world for one person. Join our Making Mitzvah Moments (MMM) group to assist people in our community. Whether for the elderly, someone who is sick, in need of a job or others, there are small ways we can help uplift each other both locally and in Israel. We have a lot more time than we think. How long does it take to say hello to somebody and then to send out a note encouraging people to do a mitzvah—three minutes of your life? We all have time; it's just a matter of what our priorities are.

We are God's partners. Anticipate the needs of others. Our time, talents, wisdom and resources are gifts and we are tasked to harness our blessings to uplift others and invest in their well being and success.

Wishing you and your families a Shabbat Shalom and God willing, we will share good news from Israel,

Rabbi Daniel Cohen

Shabbat Information 
  • Learn about the Shabbat Torah Reading for Parshat Behar with the insights of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z"l - click here
  • Read Dovi Siderson's weekly parsha resource click here
  • The Haftarah is read from Jeremiah 32:6-27
  • Haftarah summary by - click here.
  • Haftarah summary by Haftarah Helper - click here
  • Halachic Note: We recite the Av HaRachamim prayer for the duration of Sefira since it was composed in response to the Crusades which took place during this time of year.
  • Shabbat is the 32nd day of the Omer. To learn more about the Sefira period, see the Orthodox Union's guide here.
  • Lag B'Omer is Saturday night, May 25th through Sunday, May 26th. For insights, visit, or
  • Would you like to read the Torah or Haftarah for your bar mitzvah parsha? Let us know by clicking click here

In honor of Memorial Day, Lonnie Keene will share a brief refection Shabbat morning in the Sanctuary. Lonnie is a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. After serving on active duty for 19 years, Lonnie retired from the U.S. Army as a Lieutenant Colonel. More recently, as an attorney, he has represented veterans before the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, helping them to get their disability benefits."

Shabbat Icebreakers (courtesy of Yaakov Moshe and Elisheva Shmidman)
  • What is the tallest mountain you have ever climbed/been to the top of (Behar)?
  • If you could have a restart of something in your life, what would it be (shmita)?
  • Recall a time you were very overcharged or ripped off (onaa)?

Sneak Peak of Adult All Night Learning with our SIR Rabbi Tzvi Sinensky 
Stay Tuned for Full Adult and Youth Programming Soon!
Tikkun Leil Shavuot- All Night Learning
Adults: 11:30 PM- 4:45 AM
  • 11:30 PM - Rabbi Tzvi Sinensky: Shimshon and the Modern Zionist Warrior
  • 12:30 AM - Rabbi Tzvi Sinensky: A Sneak Peak at the Unpublished Sermons of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
  • Surprise Snacks Break
  • 1:45 AM - Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Am Levadad yishkon - A Nation Dwelling Alone - Blessing or Curse?
  • 2:45 AM - Rabbi Yossi Kamman: Can Humanity be Governed by a Moral Code not Rooted in Belief in G-d?
  • Carvel Ice Cream Break
  • 4:10 AM - Rabbi Moshe Kurtz: The Maid of Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi - Hero or Villain?
To sponsor a Shavuot presentation, contact Rabbi Daniel Cohen
Shabbat Topics & Participants
Shmuel ClassMark Wagshul
ShiurRabbi Dr. Jeff Cahn: Rebbi Yehudah HaNasi and his decision to publish the Mishnah
Code of Jewish LawRabbi Yossi Kamman
Seudat ShlishitRabbi Yossi Kamman: Pirkei Avot, Chapter #4
Mazal Tov
  • to Shira & Marc Nerenberg on Evie's Bat Mitzvah celebration this weekend!
  • to Dr. Shara & Rabbi David Israel on the forthcoming marriage of Yoni to Shoshana Rosenzweig, daughter of Drs. Kenneth & Stacey Rosenzweig of Englewood, NJ!
  • We are excited to announce the recipients of this year's annual meeting awards. Mazal Tov to Lloyd Contract on receiving the George and Ziporah Freedberg Excellence in Spirit Award and Jodi Hadge on receiving the George and Ziporah Freedberg Hineni Award. Join us on Tuesday evening, June 18th to celebrate and express gratitude to our honorees.
  • to Charlotte & Manny Birnbaum on arrival of a great-granddaughter Emilia Pietrasanta
Celebrate with the family! Make a donation in their honor and we will send an acknowledgement to the family. Just click here
  • to Tzvi Schwartz on the passing of his mother, Miriam Schwartz
  • to Adrienne Reiner on the passing of her husband, Sherman Reiner
Thank You
  • to Dovi Siderson and Aaron Berk for laining Torah this Shabbat
Thanks To Our Sponsors
  • Senior Challah Deliveries: Kathy & Gary Sosnovich in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Gary's mother, Rachel Sosnowiec (Rachel Bas David)
  • Chapel Kiddush: Rhonda & Judd Love in memory of Abraham & Rose Love and Rochelle Boltino
  • Sephardic Kiddush: Angele Hanna in honor of Kayla & Leon Hanna's anniversary and the birthdays of Naomi and Josh Hanna
  • Sanctuary Kiddush: Co-sponsored by Mimi Cohen in memory of her mother Ana Castel Rosner z"l; Susan & Max Kolbrenner in memory of Charlotte Kolbrenner z"l; and Shira & Marc Nerenberg in honor of Evie's upcoming Bat MItzvah
  • Seudat Shlishit: Anonymous in memory of Ruth Chaya Bas Abraham
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Sign Up for these Events
Sign up
Stamfords First Annual 5K Run/Walk for Israel
Monday, May 27 - 8:45 AM
sign up
Scholar-in-Residence Series with Shira Schiowitz
Wednesday, May 29 - 8:15 PM
sign up
Yom Yerushalayim Senior Luncheon
Tuesday, June 4 - 1:00 PM
sign up
Graduation Kiddush
Thursday, June 13 - 12:00 PM
Sign Up
CAS Blood Drive
Sunday, June 16 - 9:00 AM
sign up
Mitzvah Day at Grade A
Sunday, June 16 - 4:00 PM
Learn more
CAS Annual Meeting
Tuesday, June 18 - 7:30 PM
sign up
Stamford Jewish Experience Friday Night Dinner
Friday, June 21 - 8:15 PM
sign up
CAS Young Families and Mens Club presents: Scotch and Steak Night
Sunday, June 30 - 7:00 PM
CAS Announcements
  • Check out!  Tikvah's CEO Eric Cohen delivered a special address on how the Jewish community ought to respond to the current crisis on campus. He explained the moral and intellectual roots of the present attack on Jews and Israel, and explored what is at stake in this struggle for the American soul. You can watch a recording of his address here
  • Volunteers Needed  We are looking forward to Stamford's First Annual 5K Walk Run for Israel. We need volunteers for the event from 9 AM to 11 AM. To assist contact Aryeh Frager. (347-229-3434)
  • Shavuot Sponsorship Opportunity  Consider sponsoring one of our shiurim, lectures, on Shavuot in memory or in honor of a loved one. We will be hosting Rabbi Zvi Sinensky as our Scholar in Residence. For more information, contact Rabbi Cohen at
  • Save the Date - Stand with Israel One People: One Heart Stand with Israel and the Israel Day Parade  Sunday, June 2nd in NYC. The Salute to Israel Parade, a New York City tradition since 1964, will include the families of Hamas hostages. The parade will feature more than 700 police officers, including an increased NYPD presence.To learn more, visit
  • CAS Men's Club evening event planning meeting  Tuesday, June 4 at 7:30 pm in the social hall.Enjoy Arak with lemonade to help us make positive decisions.Please attend if you can, to plan out the events for the summer into fall.
  • Join us as we welcome Rabbi Jeremiah Wohlberg  Shabbat morning, June 15th in the Sanctuary. Rabbi Wohlberg will speak on Reflections on Israel 76th anniversary.
  • Holy Habit - Food Pantry Donations  Rather than wait for a Food Drive, make it a habit each week when shopping for Shabbos to purchase kosher, non-perishable food for the Freedberg Kosher Food Pantry.Drop off at JFS or CAS
Weekday Schedule
  • Shacharit  Sunday: 7:15/8:30 AM; Monday: 7:00/8:30 AM; Tuesday-Friday: 6:30/7:30 AM
  • Mincha  Sunday-Thursday: 8:05 PM; Friday: 7:00 PM/8:06 PM
  • Candle Lighting  Friday: 8:01 PM
  • Sunday  33rd day of the Omer; Lag BaOmer
  • Monday  Memorial Day - Office Closed, 34th day of the Omer
  • Tuesday  35th day of the Omer
  • Wednesday  36th day of the Omer
  • Thursday  37th day of the Omer
  • Friday  38th day of the Omer
CAS Classes
Join one of our classes.

We Wish A Speedy Recovery To
  • Tzvi Zev Yosef ben Chana Shulamit
  • Sheina Feiga bat Ruvko
  • Sheina Feiga bat Rivka
  • Chaya Sara bat Chava
  • Hershel Wolf ben Brucha
  • Penina bat Sara
  • Freidel bat Esther
  • Chaya Shoshana bat Yehudit
  • Nira bat Rachel
  • Sara bat Nira
  • Yitzchak Osher ben Chana Shauna Chaya
  • Nadav Ephraim ben Shlomit Leah
  • Mark Emanuel ben Leah
  • Shlomo ben Velvel
  • Rivkah Devorah bat Channa Gittel
  • Moisha Gedalia ben DK
  • Nechemiah ben DK
  • Dorit bat Ora
  • Asher Anshel Eliezer ben Baila
  • Miriam Rut bat Chana
  • Abokhay Moshe ben Zoya
  • Daniel David Yitzchak ben Shulamit
  • Chaya bat Liba
  • Harav Eliezer ben Chaya
  • Uria ben Talia
  • Miriam bat Devorah
  • אסתר רחל bat רייזל ביילה
  • פרידה הדסה bat פערל לאה
  • Dov ben Pnina
  • Nehama Miriam bat Dvora
  • Moshe Gavriel ben Rachel Esther
  • Cheryl Sheva bat Gittel Leah
  • Sossie Raizel bat Sarah Fraida
  • Yitzchak Osher ben Chana Shayva Chaya
  • Calev Natanel ben Sara

We Honor Our Military
  • Ariel Y
  • Shani Y
  • Tali Y
  • Harry B
  • Zevi M
  • Nathan H
  • Noam H
  • Yehudit
  • Sally K
  • Oren L
  • Nathan L
  • Jeremy S
  • Meni N
  • Yaniv H
  • Rachel W

Community Announcements
  • Bi-Cultural Hebrew Academy of CT is hiring teachers for the 2024 - 2025 school year!  General, Judaic and Ivrit positions available, full and part time. For more information, please visit and/or email
  • JHSFC proudly announces the broadcasting of our documentary "Remembering the FamilyStore, Downtown Stamford circa 1940-1965" on JBS (Jewish Broadcasting Service)  To be viewedin your own home. A nostalgic documentary about the history of Stamford's downtownfeaturing many of the families and small businesses that contributed to the belovedcommunity.Sunday, 5/26 - 9:00pm, Monday, 5/27 - 2:00am, Tuesday, 5/28 - 9:40am, Wednesday, 5/29 - 4:00pm, Thursday, 5/30 - 10:00amTimes are in the eastern time zone. To locate the non-profit television channel, search on their website ( foryour TV provider and streaming services. (Locally it's Optimum Channel 138). Please share this information with others who are interested in watching anywhere in the USA.
  • 4th Annual Jewish Community Fishing Trip  Sunday June 23rd- 8:30 AM-4:00 PM - Location-Sound Bound Charters-Fort Slocum Road-New Rochelle (Do not make reservation online). Fishing on the 115" Sound Bound Princess-Fishing for Poriges, Seabass, Weakfish (All Kosher) - $80.00/person-Includes Rod and Reel- Bait - No experience necessary -All ages welcome-Wine coolers, Beer...OK to Bring for those 21 and up. For Reservations and questions-Contact-Robert Remin-Call/Txt-914 Reservation Deadline June 9th
  • BCHA is excited to announce its first adult thespian production  Neil Simon's THE ODD COUPLE (female version). ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY on June 20th at 8pm. Tickets only $10. Come on out to support the cast: Adena Blickstein, Janice Chaikelson Steinberg, Jonathan Cohen, Jodi Baer Hodge, Toby Lazarus, Gila Ogle, Nofie Rosovsky and Jonah Schrag. Tickets can be purchased at:
  • Muscat Jewelry of Jerusalem is coming to Stamford  June 2, 7:30-9:30pm, at a private home. 10

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