Congregation Agudath Sholom | 301 Strawberry Hill Ave | Stamford, CT 06902 (203)-358-2200

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Friday, July 19, 2024

Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin

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Congregation Agudath Sholom
Shabbat Bulletin
BalakJuly 20, 202414 Tamuz 5784
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Mincha7:00 PM/8:09 PM
Candle Lighting8:04 PM
Shacharit7:00/8:00/9:00 AM
Latest Shema8:28 AM
Sephardic Minyan8:45 AM
Coffee & Commentary8:45 AM
Latest Shacharit9:59 AM
Bob's Basics10:00 AM
Shiur10:30 AM
Code Of Jewish Law7:10 PM
Mincha8:00 PM
Havdalah9:03 PM
Shabbat Shalom

This Tuesday begins the three weeks of mourning in the Jewish calendar with the fast of the 17th of Tamuz. The season marks not only the tragedy of the destruction of the Batei Mikdashot, the Temples in Jerusalem, but numerous tragedies in Jewish history.

There are numerous laws designed to evoke the sadness of this time such as not listening to live music, no weddings or haircuts. Yet, the laws alone are not the end goal of this period. The goal is to evoke within each of us self reflection and recommitment to forging a world through our actions that is worthy of the rebuilding of the Temple and redemption.

Do the words that we speak hurt or heal? Do we seize opportunities to elevate ourselves and our community? If you are not yet on our Making Mitzvah Moments WhatsApp group, please join here. Maimonides teaches that every day the world is in balance and one mitzvah can elevate the entire world.

God willing, through the mourning of the three weeks, we will merit to witness peace, the rebuilding of the Beit Hamikdash, and a world in which everyone sees the Divine in every human being. May we witness this era speedily and in our days.

Wishing you and your families a Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem and God willing good news in the days ahead,

Rabbi Daniel Cohen

Lobby Backdoor Update  Unfortunately, the replacement part for the lobby backdoor keypad has not arrived yet. Please use the front entrance when returning on Shabbat afternoon/evening. Someone will be there to let you in.
Shabbat Information 
  • Learn about the Shabbat Torah Reading for Parshat Balak with the insights of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z"l - click here.
  • The Haftarah is read from Micah 5:6-6:8
  • Haftarah summary by - click here.
  • Haftarah summary by Haftarah Helper - click here
  • 17th of Tammuz - Fast takes place on Tuesday, July 23rd from 4:30 am until 8:54 pm. The Three Weeks begin on this date through Tisha B'Av. To learn more about the laws of the Three Weeks, click here.
  • Would you like to read the Torah or Haftarah for your bar mitzvah parsha? Let us know by clicking click here

Shabbat Icebreakers (courtesy of Yaakov Moshe and Elisheva Shmidman)
  • Recall a time your parents gave you permission to go somewhere or do something even though they didn't really want to (Hashem lets Bilam go with the Moav messengers even though he doesn't really want Bilam to go)?
  • What is the best/your favorite magic trick that you have seen (Bilam and Balak are magicians)?
  • If you could speak to one type of animal what would it be (the donkey talks to Bilam)?

Shabbat Table Conversation Balak Who is responsible for Bilaam's attempt to curse the Jews? Balak may be partially responsible since he tempted Bilaam with honor and wealth. Perhaps he violated the Torah prohibition against placing a stumbling block in front of a blind person. Applications of this principle range from traffic signs to weapon sales to advertising and much more. How? Can you think of ramifications of these principles in politics, business or contemporary society?
Review of Three Weeks 
During the three weeks between the 17th of Tammuz until after Tisha B'Av, the custom is to observe some aspects of mourning over the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. The observance intensifies as Tisha B'Av approaches.

The three weeks begins on Tuesday, July 23rd and ends on Tisha B'Av, Tuesday, August 13th. The observances of mourning are the following:
  • Weddings should not be performed during this period.
  • Listening to musical instruments is prohibited. Acapella is permitted.
  • We refrain from reciting the blessing "shehecheyanu" on new garments or fruit, except on Shabbat.
  • We refrain from taking a haircut during this period.
If you have questions, please be in touch with me or Rabbi Kurtz. The guidelines are designed to awaken within us the loss of the Temple and spur us to evaluate our own efforts in mending a broken world. God willing, through our meaningful observance of these rituals, we will merit to see the redemption and building of the third Beit Hamikdash speedily in our days.
Prayers for Hostages - We Pray for the Immediate Rescue and Release  
"Acheinu kol Bais Yisrael – Our brethren, the entire Jewish People"
"Hanesunim bitzara u'bishivya – who are delivered into confinement and captivity"
"Ha'omdim bein bayam u'vein bayabasha – whether they be on the sea or dry land"
"HaMakom yiracheim aleihem viyotzi'eim mitzara li'rvacha – May the Omnipresent have mercy on them and remove them from distress to relief"
"U'mei'afela li'ora – and from darkness to light"
"U'mishibud lig'ula – and from subjugation to redemption"
"Hashta b'agala u'viz'man kariv – now, speedily, and close at hand"

July Clergy Travel Schedule  
  • Rabbi Cohen will be away the following dates: Tuesday, July 9th - July 21st (Israel), Wednesday, July 24th through August 3rd. (Israel on FIDF Rabbinic Mission)

Shabbat Topics & Participants
Shmuel ClassOn hiatus until August
Bob's BasicsBob Abrams
ShiurMichael Feldstein: Lifnim Mishurat haDin - Going Above and Beyond the Letter of the Law
Code of Jewish LawRabbi Yossi Kamman
Seudat ShlishitRabbi Moshe Kurtz: Pirkei Avot, Chapter #6
Mazal Tov
  • to Diane & Rabbi Daniel Cohen on the birth of a grandson, born to Adina and Moshe Averick in Israel!
  • to Liat Sharabi Karsch and Benjamin Karsch on the engagement of their son Eitan to Kyla Mintz, daughter of Victor and Dr. Elizabeth Wallach Mintz of Manhattan!
Celebrate with the family! Make a donation in their honor and we will send an acknowledgement to the family. Just click here
  • to Michal Lincoff on the passing of her grandmother Barbara Kaplan
Thanks To Our Sponsors
  • Senior Challah Deliveries: Cindy & David Pitkoff in memory of David's dad, Bernard Pitkoff's 5th Yahrtzeit and what would have been his mom, Rita Pitkoff's, 97th birthday
  • Chapel Kiddush: Judy & Jeff Cahn in honor of their family and special birthdays of grandchildren, Shlomo and Zoe
  • Sanctuary Kiddush: Co-sponsored by Emily & Zvi Dubitzky in celebration and gratitude for their new son Gavriel Ami; and Roz Mangot in commemoration of the yahrzeit of her mother, Bertha Lowenbach (Bayla bas David)
  • Seudat Shlishit: Anonymous in memory of Ruth Chaya Bas Abraham
Sign Up for these Events
sign up
55+ Social Committee Yale University and New Haven Tour
Sunday, July 21 - 11:00 AM
sign up
CAS Movie Club
Sunday, July 21 - 8:00 PM
Learn more
Summer Donut Tasting
Friday, July 26
sign up
Shabbat Backyard Shmooze!
Shabbat, July 27 - 4:00 PM
CAS Announcements
  • Vaad Hakashrut of Fairfield County - Gofer Ice Cream on High Ridge  Please note the non-dairy ice cream is not certified in the store. Please read the certificate in the store for full details.
  • New Location Under Kosher Supervision  We are excited to announce that Sobol Acai Bowls and Beyond at 900 High Ridge Road, Stamford is now under the supervision of the Vaah HaKashrut of Fairfield County. Drop by and support them! Say Hi to Leeba Zucker who works there! Rabbi Daniel Cohen, Rabbi Eli Kohl and Rabbi Moshe Kurtz
  • Save the Date - Cooking Demo with Ruhama Shitrit  September 19th at 7:30 pm - Q&A with Recipe Creator Ruhama Shitrit @Ruhamasfood. If you are interested in sponsoring, please contact Miriam Sperber ( or Rina Miller (
Weekday Schedule
  • Shacharit  Sunday: 7:15/8:30 AM; Monday-Friday: 6:30/7:30 AM
  • Mincha  Sunday-Thursday: 8:05 PM; Tuesday: 7:50 PM; Friday: 7:00 PM/8:03 PM
  • Candle Lighting  Friday: 7:58 PM
  • Tuesday  Tzom Tammuz
CAS Classes
Join one of our classes.

We Wish A Speedy Recovery To
  • Tzvi Zev Yosef ben Chana Shulamit
  • Sheina Feiga bat Ruvko
  • Sheina Feiga bat Rivka
  • Chaya Sara bat Chava
  • Hershel Wolf ben Brucha
  • Penina bat Sara
  • Rema bat Etta
  • Freidel bat Esther
  • Chaya Shoshana bat Yehudit
  • Nira bat Rachel
  • Sara bat Nira
  • Yitzchak Osher ben Chana Shauna Chaya
  • Nadav Ephraim ben Shlomit Leah
  • Shlomo ben Velvel
  • Rivkah Devorah bat Channa Gittel
  • Moisha Gedalia ben DK
  • Nechemiah ben DK
  • Dorit bat Ora
  • Asher Anshel Eliezer ben Baila
  • Miriam Rut bat Chana
  • Abokhay Moshe ben Zoya
  • Daniel David Yitzchak ben Shulamit
  • Chaya bat Liba
  • Harav Eliezer ben Chaya
  • Uria ben Talia
  • Miriam bat Devorah
  • אסתר רחל bat רייזל ביילה
  • פרידה הדסה bat פערל לאה
  • Dov ben Pnina
  • Nehama Miriam bat Dvora
  • Moshe Gavriel ben Rachel Esther
  • Cheryl Sheva bat Gittel Leah
  • Sossie Raizel bat Sarah Fraida
  • eliezer meyer ben leah
  • Calev Natanel ben Sara
  • Yitzchak Osher ben Chana Shayva Chaya

We Honor Our Military
  • Ariel Y
  • Shani Y
  • Tali Y
  • Harry B
  • Zevi M
  • Nathan H
  • Noam H
  • Yehudit
  • Sally K
  • Oren L
  • Nathan L
  • Jeremy S
  • Meni N
  • Yaniv H
  • Rachel W

Community Announcements
  • United Jewish Federation's (UJF) PJ Library  will be hosting " Wacky Wednesdays" all month long in July. Formerly called "Popsicles in the Park," UJF will bring PJ Library activities (and lots of ice cold popsicles) to four community parks around Stamford, as part of Federation's summer outreach.
  • The Safed Puzzle Room and Bagels & Locks Studios will be in town  Thursday, July 25th, at 7:00 pm at the Young Israel of Stamford!This event is open to the WHOLE COMMUNITY. Come on out and enjoy a fun and fast-paced Israel Trivia Game with a twist! A great way to show your support of this Northern Israel-based business! Children are welcome to join in this free event. There's something for everyone!RSVP not necessary but appreciated:

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