Congregation Agudath Sholom | 301 Strawberry Hill Ave | Stamford, CT 06902 (203)-358-2200

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Friday, July 12, 2024

Congregation Agudath Sholom Shabbat Bulletin

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Congregation Agudath Sholom
Shabbat Bulletin
ChukatJuly 13, 20247 Tamuz 5784
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Mincha7:00 PM/8:13 PM
Candle Lighting8:08 PM
Shacharit7:00/8:00/9:00 AM
Latest Shema8:24 AM
Sephardic Minyan8:45 AM
Coffee & Commentary8:45 AM
Latest Shacharit9:56 AM
Shiur10:30 AM
Code Of Jewish Law7:15 PM
Mincha8:05 PM
Havdalah9:08 PM
Shabbat Shalom
United We Must Stand

How many times does the nation of Amalek rear its head in the Torah?

We are all familiar with the battle of Amalek following the miracle of the splitting of the Reed Sea. Amalek, our arch ideological enemy, seeks to thwart the revelation at Sinai, when we assume the role of being a light unto the nations. Last week, the spies instill fear in the people by warning them of Amalek's proximity to the land of Israel. Yet, there is one more appearance of Amalek in this week's Parsha of Chukat and its lesson is eternal.

Throughout history, Amalek appears at pivotal and historic junctures. Amalek reared its head in the time of King Saul before the establishment of the first Temple. Amalek appears again in the time of Mordechai and Esther prior to the rebuilding of the second Temple and in the guise of the Nazis prior to the return to the land of Israel after 2,000 years. Amalek senses the moment of destiny of Israel and seeks to deny our mission.

In each case, one of the most important factors in fighting our enemies is the unity of the Jewish people. When we are divided, we are much more vulnerable to those who seek our annihilation.

This factor is front and center in this week's Parsha. Amalek seizes the opportunity of the death of Aaron to attack. The Torah states in Chapter 21, "The King of Arad heard..." Rashi explains that this nation was Amalek who heard Aaron died and that the protective cloud of glory left the Jewish people.

On one level, Amalek saw the absence of the cloud as a vulnerability of the Jewish people. On a deeper level, Amalek understood the power of Aaron and hoped with him no longer alive, they would succeed in defeating Israel.

Aaron's strength was his love for every Jew no matter their ability or background. He ensured that "no Jew" was left behind. As Ethics of our Fathers teaches, "Be a student of Aharon - Love Peace, Pursue Peace, Love Humanity and Bring them Close to Torah."

While Aharon was alive, Amalek knew the Jews were united. Once he died, they sensed that perhaps without his living spirit, the Jews would abandon those on the margins of the community. In fact, when Amalek first attacks upon leaving Egypt, they prey upon the tired and weary.

The Jews with the help of God pushed back against Amalek. They internalized Aharon's message. When our enemies understand that we will care for everyone and that we remain committed to the protection of everyone in our community, we will be strengthened as people forever.

On October 6th, the nation of Israel was collapsing from within due to the infighting. The vitriol reached a fever pitch on Yom Kippur. On Oct 7th, we unified in grief and resolve. The unity is fraying. God forbid should we only come together to mourn as a people. Our unity is our strength. We are one people with one heart.

As we approach the three weeks this summer, we must remember that a generation in which the Temple is not rebuilt is a generation in which the Temple is destroyed. Redemption can happen God willing in an instant. Israel can live in safety and security, peace with neighbors and the hostages returned. We must deepen our commitment to fostering unity and healing within our nation. God willing the day will come when we will witness the victory over Amalek speedily and in our days.

Wishing you and your family a Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Daniel Cohen

Shabbat Information 
  • Learn about the Shabbat Torah Reading for Parshat Chukat with the insights of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z"l - click here.
  • The Haftarah is read from Judges 11:1-33Haftarah summary by - click here.
  • Haftarah summary by Haftarah Helper - click here
  • Would you like to read the Torah or Haftarah for your bar mitzvah parsha? Let us know by clicking click here

Shabbat Icebreakers (courtesy of Yaakov Moshe and Elisheva Shmidman)
  • What is something that you have a hard time understanding in Judaism (the Parah Aduma is the ultimate chok)?
  • What is your go to beverage when you are thirsty (the Jews complain to Moshe that they are thirsty and he provides water)?
  • Recall a time you had to go on a longer than planned route or had to take a big detour (the Jews have to go around the land of Edom).

Prayers for Hostages - We Pray for the Immediate Rescue and Release  
"Acheinu kol Bais Yisrael – Our brethren, the entire Jewish People"
"Hanesunim bitzara u'bishivya – who are delivered into confinement and captivity"
"Ha'omdim bein bayam u'vein bayabasha – whether they be on the sea or dry land"
"HaMakom yiracheim aleihem viyotzi'eim mitzara li'rvacha – May the Omnipresent have mercy on them and remove them from distress to relief"
"U'mei'afela li'ora – and from darkness to light"
"U'mishibud lig'ula – and from subjugation to redemption"
"Hashta b'agala u'viz'man kariv – now, speedily, and close at hand"

July Clergy Travel Schedule  
  • Rabbi Cohen will be away the following dates: Tuesday, July 9th - July 21st (Israel), Wednesday, July 24th - Thursday, July 25th, Monday, July 29th - Sunday, August 3rd (Israel on FIDF Rabbinic Mission)

Shabbat Topics & Participants
Shmuel ClassOn hiatus until August
ShiurMark Wagshul: Conversion - Facts, Myths, Controversies
Code of Jewish LawRabbi Yossi Kamman
Seudat ShlishitRabbi Moshe Kurtz: Pirkei Avot, Chapter #5
Mazal Tov
  • to Stephanie & Bob Sherman on the arrival of a grandson, Baruch Dubrovsky / Rocky Sherman!
  • to Judy & Jeff Cahn on Brian's upcoming marriage to Jayme Dachs!
  • to Lorraine & James Marcus on the upcoming pidyon haben of Avraham Asher Tzvi, Ian Herman!
Celebrate with the family! Make a donation in their honor and we will send an acknowledgement to the family. Just click here
Thanks To Our Sponsors
  • Shabbat Bulletin: Amy & Elliot Kurtz in honor of the birth of Layla Emunah to their children Marisa & Rabbi Moshe Kurtz - and in honor of big sister Talya's 3rd birthday
  • Senior Challah Deliveries: Kathy & Gary Sosnovich in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Kathy's mother, Marilyn (Malla) Kinzelberg z"l
  • Early Minyan: Elliot Levy in honor of his father's 20th Yahrzeit on the 6th of Tammuz
  • Chapel Kiddush: Co-sponsored by Fred Baer's family and Howard Weiss in honor of Fred's Birthday; Rabbi Dr. Jeffrey & Dr. Judith Cahn in honor of their son, Dr. Brian Cahn's aufruf and upcoming wedding to Jayme Dachs; and Steven & Elise Cohen commemorating the 2nd Yartzeit of Steven's father Arnold Cohen of blessed memory
  • Sanctuary Kiddush: The CAS Executive Committee, Diane & Rabbi Daniel Cohen and Amy & Elliot Kurtz in celebration of the birth of Layla Emma, born to Marisa & Rabbi Moshe Kurtz
  • Seudat Shlishit: Lev Podelko in honor of the 30th wedding anniversary of his parents Marina and Dr. Alexander Podelko
Sign Up for these Events
sign up
55+ Social Committee Yale University and New Haven Tour
Sunday, July 21 - 11:00 AM
sign up
CAS Movie Club
Sunday, July 21 - 8:00 PM
Learn more
Summer Donut Tasting
Friday, July 26
sign up
Shabbat Backyard Shmooze!
Shabbat, July 27 - 4:00 PM
Upcoming Events
Sunday Family-Friendly Minyan
Sunday, July 14 - 8:30 AM
Open to All Ages - Experience the joy and sanctity of davening as a family! Join us on the first Sunday of every month for our Family-Friendly Minyan. Invite your children to sit next to you! We will have kid friendly siddurim and we will sing Shema, Ashrei and Alenu together as part of the Tefillah. Enjoy fresh doughnuts and juice at the end of davening! Join us for a morning that will leave you uplifted and inspired. To find out more and/or sponsor, please contact Eli Reichner ( or Rabbi Kurtz (
CAS Announcements
  • New Location Under Kosher Supervision  We are excited to announce that Sobol Acai Bowls and Beyond at 900 High Ridge Road, Stamford is now under the supervision of the Vaah HaKashrut of Fairfield County. Drop by and support them! Say Hi to Leeba Zucker who works there! Rabbi Daniel Cohen, Rabbi Eli Kohl and Rabbi Moshe Kurtz
  • Save the Date - Cooking Demo with Ruhama Shitrit  September 19th at 7:30 pm - Q&A with Recipe Creator Ruhama Shitrit @Ruhamasfood. If you are interested in sponsoring, please contact Miriam Sperber ( or Rina Miller (
Weekday Schedule
  • Shacharit  Sunday: 7:15/8:30 AM; Monday-Friday: 6:30/7:30 AM
  • Mincha  Sunday-Thursday: 8:10 PM; Friday: 7:00 PM/8:09 PM
  • Candle Lighting  Friday: 8:04 PM
CAS Classes
Join one of our classes.

We Wish A Speedy Recovery To
  • Tzvi Zev Yosef ben Chana Shulamit
  • Sheina Feiga bat Ruvko
  • Sheina Feiga bat Rivka
  • Chaya Sara bat Chava
  • Hershel Wolf ben Brucha
  • Penina bat Sara
  • Rema bat Etta
  • Freidel bat Esther
  • Chaya Shoshana bat Yehudit
  • Nira bat Rachel
  • Sara bat Nira
  • Yitzchak Osher ben Chana Shauna Chaya
  • Nadav Ephraim ben Shlomit Leah
  • Mark Emanuel ben Leah
  • Shlomo ben Velvel
  • Rivkah Devorah bat Channa Gittel
  • Moisha Gedalia ben DK
  • Nechemiah ben DK
  • Dorit bat Ora
  • Asher Anshel Eliezer ben Baila
  • Miriam Rut bat Chana
  • Abokhay Moshe ben Zoya
  • Daniel David Yitzchak ben Shulamit
  • Chaya bat Liba
  • Harav Eliezer ben Chaya
  • Uria ben Talia
  • Miriam bat Devorah
  • אסתר רחל bat רייזל ביילה
  • פרידה הדסה bat פערל לאה
  • Dov ben Pnina
  • Nehama Miriam bat Dvora
  • Moshe Gavriel ben Rachel Esther
  • Cheryl Sheva bat Gittel Leah
  • Sossie Raizel bat Sarah Fraida
  • Eliezer Meyer ben Leah
  • Yitzchak Osher ben Chana Shayva Chaya
  • Calev Natanel ben Sara

We Honor Our Military
  • Ariel Y
  • Shani Y
  • Tali Y
  • Harry B
  • Zevi M
  • Nathan H
  • Noam H
  • Yehudit
  • Sally K
  • Oren L
  • Nathan L
  • Jeremy S
  • Meni N
  • Yaniv H
  • Rachel W

Community Announcements
  • United Jewish Federation's (UJF) PJ Library  will be hosting " Wacky Wednesdays" all month long in July. Formerly called "Popsicles in the Park," UJF will bring PJ Library activities (and lots of ice cold popsicles) to four community parks around Stamford, as part of Federation's summer outreach. The first program on Wednesday, July 10 (4:30-5:30pm at Harbor Point Commons Park) will also include a puppet show by UJF Community Shaliach Yoav Yaron, designed to teach children some summer- themed Hebrew words:

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