Congregation Agudath Sholom | 301 Strawberry Hill Ave | Stamford, CT 06902 (203)-358-2200

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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Congregation Agudath Sholom Shavuot Bulletin (Schedule Correction)

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Congregation Agudath Sholom
Shavuot Bulletin
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Holiday Calendar
Tuesday Night, June 11th
  • Light a 25 Hour Candle for lighting Night #2
  • 8:08 PM - Candle Lighting
  • 8:13 PM - Mincha with Dvar Torah by Rabbi Daniel Cohen followed by Maariv
Tikkun Leil Shavuot- All Night Learning
  • 11:30 PM - Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Sinensky: Shimshon and the Modern Zionist Warrior
  • 12:30 AM - Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Sinensky: A Sneak Peak at the Unpublished Sermons of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
  • 1:15 AM - Sushi and Snacks
  • 1:45 AM - Rabbi Daniel Cohen: Strategy vs. Tragedy - A Torah Perspective on Civilian Casualties during War
  • 2:45 AM - Rabbi Yossi Kamman: Can Humanity be Governed by a Moral Code not Rooted in Belief in G-d?
  • 3:45 AM - Snack Break- Carvel Ice Cream courtesy of Carvel of Stamford and Carvel of Greenwich/Port Chester
  • 4:20 AM - Rabbi Moshe Kurtz: The Maid of Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi - Hero or Villain?
Teens (8th-12th Grades)
  • 11:30 PM - DIY Pizza Bar @ Young Israel
  • 11:45 PM - While the pizza bakes: Why in the world are we in shul at midnight? With Dovi
  • 12:00 AM - Keynote Rabbi Neil Wolfe: TBD
  • 12:45 AM - Break
  • 1:00 AM - Stump the Rabbis!
  • 1:45 AM - Walk to CAS for remainder of program + Shacharit
  • 2:00 AM - Sushi & Chavrutah learning: study whatever you want with the Banot, Dovi, or an Advisor
  • 2:45 AM - Optional Class with Rabbi Yossi Kamman: Can Humanity be Governed by a Moral Code not Rooted in Belief in G-d?
  • 3:45 AM - Carvel Ice Cream courtesy of Stamford Carvel
  • 4:15 AM Dovi Siderson: Free, Free Pale-WHAT?? How to Deal With Jewish Friends that Don't Support Israel
Wednesday, June 12th- Shavuot I
  • 4:19 AM - Earliest Time for Tallis
  • 5:00 AM - Sunrise Service, followed by breakfast
  • 5:21 AM - Sunrise (Earliest Amida)
  • 8:00/9:00 AM - Shacharit
  • Apx. 10:00 AM - Reading of Ten Commandments
  • 10:00 AM - Little Lights, Tot Shabbat, Mini Minyan, Jr. Congregation, B'nai Mitzvah Club and Family Minyan
  • Sermon: Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Sinensky - "Clarity Amid Chaos: Accepting the Torah in the Shadow of War "
  • Cheesecake Kiddush
  • 5:00 PM - Communal Youth Reading of Aseret Hadibrot and Ice Cream Bar!
  • 7:15 PM - Shiur: Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Sinensky - "Renewing the Sanhedrin: Rambam's Protest Against Rabbinic Impotence"
  • 8:10 PM - Mincha / Maariv - Dvar Torah by Rabbi Moshe Kurtz
  • 9:09 PM - Candle lighting
Thursday, June 13th - Shavuot II
  • 7:00/8:00/8:45 AM - Shacharit
  • Apx. 10:00 AM - Yizkor in Sanctuary
  • Sermon: Rabbi Daniel Cohen
  • 10:00 AM - Little Lights, Tot Shabbat, Mini Minyan, Jr. Congregation, BMC
  • 10:15 AM - Teen Minyan
  • Graduation Celebration Kiddush following Sanctuary Service
  • 7:15 PM - Shiur: Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Sinensky - "Fighting for Orthodoxy in the 1950's: The Early Responsa of Rabbi Norman Lamm"
  • 8:10 PM - Mincha
  • Seudat Dovid HaMelech with Rabbi Yossi Kamman
  • 9:05 PM - Maariv
  • 9:10 PM - Yom Tov ends

Thanks To Our Sponsors
  • Shavuot Learning:
    • Meredith & David Cohen in memory of Rachel Bat Chaim and David Ben Nissim Hakohen
    • Laura & Marc Gallant in memory of Betty Milchman
    • Jill & Arthur Green in memory of Erwin Green and Norman Blumenstock.
    • Joanie Lane in memory of Herman Lane
    • Lynn & Jeff Lowin in memory of Isaac Oretzky
    • Leah & Peter Munk in memory of Evelyn Munk
    • Lev Podelko in honor of the upcoming wedding anniversary of his parents Marina & Dr. Alexander Podelko
    • Liz Rubin in memory of Arnold Dick
    • Barbara & Harry Webski in memory Martin Kirschner
  • Sanctuary and Chapel Flowers:
    • Zoe & Harry Chiel in memory of Zoe's grandmother Gladys Tabachnick
    • Toby Schaffer in commemoration of the upcoming yahrzeit of the Macy family kedoshim
  • to Carvel of Stamford and Carvel of Greenwich/Port Chester for their generous donation of ice cream cakes and ice cream sandwiches
CAS Shavuot
Graduation Kiddush
Thursday, June 13
Thank You to our Graduation Kiddush sponsors!
Magna Cum Laude
Ivy & Marvin Schildkraut
Cum Laude
Mariya Feldman & Alex Abramov
Adrienne & Michael Alexander
Karen & Ira Berk
Judy & Jeff Cahn
Bruce Newman
Maria & Glenn Reicin
Rebecca & Eric Sigman
Cap and Gown
Julie Daniel
Jessica & Levi Dulitz
Michelle & Howland Gordon
Sarah & David Hochman
Tricia & Robert Hoff
David Jelen
David Levine
Jill & Hugh Mainzer
Marisa & Michael Siegel
Sheila & Bernie Teig

Mazal Tov to our Graduates!
Gan Yeladim
Levana Eato
Beth Shalom
Leora Levine
Jude Tau
Middle School
Bella Abramov
Ben Daniel
Mason Dulitz
Yakira Hochman
Eli Hoff
Jack Steinberg
Magein Avot
Miriam Ahuva Shochet
Sagiv Siegel
High School
Sarah Berk
Blind Brook High School
Rachel Didia
SAR High School
Sam Jelen
Atlanta Jewish Academy
Yael Mainzer
The Frisch School
Isaac Reicin
Fusion Academy of Greenwich
Tina Reicin
Stamford High School
Matan Siegel
Westhill High School
Isabel SigmanNate Sigman
Binghamton University
Joshua GordonBenji Hoff
Jordan Klein
Isaac Schildkraut
The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
Jacob Sigman
Graduate School
University of Illinois, Resident in Dermatology
Dr. Brian A. Cahn
Johns Hopkins
Allie Klein
NYU Stern School for Business- Langone
Elizabeth Alexander Reichner

Sign Up for these Events
Sign Up
CAS Blood Drive
Sunday, June 16 - 9:00 AM
sign up
Mitzvah Day at Grade A
Sunday, June 16 - 4:00 PM
Learn more
CAS Annual Meeting
Tuesday, June 18 - 7:30 PM
sign up
Stamford Jewish Experience Friday Night Dinner
Friday, June 21 - 8:15 PM
sign up
CAS Young Families and Mens Club presents: Scotch and Steak Night
Sunday, June 30 - 7:00 PM
CAS Announcements
  • Join us as we welcome Rabbi Jeremiah Wohlberg  Shabbat morning, June 15th in the Sanctuary. Rabbi Wohlberg will speak on Reflections on Israel 76th anniversary.
  • Holy Habit - Food Pantry Donations  Rather than wait for a Food Drive, make it a habit each week when shopping for Shabbos to purchase kosher, non-perishable food for the Freedberg Kosher Food Pantry.Drop off at JFS or CAS
CAS Classes
Join one of our classes.

We Wish A Speedy Recovery To
  • Tzvi Zev Yosef ben Chana Shulamit
  • Sheina Feiga bat Ruvko
  • Sheina Feiga bat Rivka
  • Chaya Sara bat Chava
  • Hershel Wolf ben Brucha
  • Penina bat Sara
  • Freidel bat Esther
  • Chaya Shoshana bat Yehudit
  • Nira bat Rachel
  • Sara bat Nira
  • Yitzchak Osher ben Chana Shauna Chaya
  • Nadav Ephraim ben Shlomit Leah
  • Mark Emanuel ben Leah
  • Shlomo ben Velvel
  • Rivkah Devorah bat Channa Gittel
  • Moisha Gedalia ben DK
  • Nechemiah ben DK
  • Dorit bat Ora
  • Asher Anshel Eliezer ben Baila
  • Miriam Rut bat Chana
  • Abokhay Moshe ben Zoya
  • Daniel David Yitzchak ben Shulamit
  • Chaya bat Liba
  • Harav Eliezer ben Chaya
  • Uria ben Talia
  • Miriam bat Devorah
  • אסתר רחל bat רייזל ביילה
  • פרידה הדסה bat פערל לאה
  • Dov ben Pnina
  • Nehama Miriam bat Dvora
  • Moshe Gavriel ben Rachel Esther
  • Cheryl Sheva bat Gittel Leah
  • Sossie Raizel bat Sarah Fraida
  • Yitzchak Osher ben Chana Shayva Chaya
  • Calev Natanel ben Sara

We Honor Our Military
  • Ariel Y
  • Shani Y
  • Tali Y
  • Harry B
  • Zevi M
  • Nathan H
  • Noam H
  • Yehudit
  • Sally K
  • Oren L
  • Nathan L
  • Jeremy S
  • Meni N
  • Yaniv H
  • Rachel W

Community Announcements
  • BCHA is excited to announce its first adult thespian production  Neil Simon's THE ODD COUPLE (female version). ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY on June 20th at 8pm. Tickets only $10. Come on out to support the cast: Adena Blickstein, Janice Chaikelson Steinberg, Jonathan Cohen, Jodi Baer Hodge, Toby Lazarus, Gila Ogle, Nofie Rosovsky and Jonah Schrag. Tickets can be purchased at:

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